
General Hospital

Claudia Zacara is in town. She thinks she is going to run Port Charles. Maybe so.... Sonny has met her. Although, he doesn't know her name. He bought her drink at the bar. Actually, the woman playing her part is the girl who used to play the Carly character. Weird, I think. Anywho, I hope Micheal isn't killed in all of this mob stuff. Emily thinks she can cure Nick. (Remember she is dead and he thinks he killed her) She wants him to really think back and remember what happened that day Kate/Connie wants Jax to see the real Kate/ Connie. She feels bad for Sonny leaving her. It's funny. They always share the same women. ...Lucky goes to Sam. He knows what she has done. How she watched Jake get kidnapped. Guess they won't be a couple now. He won't believe her when she says someone is after her. Guess she is the next one killed by the text message killer. She's got a a text... I hate to see her leave the show honestly. Why not kill Liz off....Anyways, I guess yall fans like her. Sorry. Have a a nice evening. Sweetpea

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