

One Life to Live-Marcy wants to know where are Tommy's things. She saks Mike. Todd tells Blair he bailed out Marcy. Bo wants Talia and Antonio to keep their relationship hidden. Jared tells Natalie Jess has her secrets. They worry where did Allison go! Roxy wabts her to go far, far away. She tells her she is not going anywhere! Uh-oh! Nora may lose her job! Lindsay grins! (I don't like her) Gigi can't believe what Viki says. That Charli is Rex's father...Jess wants to talk with Adrianna. Jared knows Charlie is Rex's father. I bet this will make him think his plan will work now! Todd tells Blair that Ramsey wants him to kill Gigi and Shane! blair asks if he was going to go through with it. He told her no. He says Ramsey says he will hurt Starr, Jack, or Tommy, I mean Sam! Tells her that he was arrested bc of Ramsey. Tells her John has his back bc he paid Marcy's bail. Tells her to get outta there with the kids! Linday worries Bo will lose his job. She worries he is haboring a afugitive. Guess that's what Nara told him. he gets a acall! He's on his way! Days of Our Lives-Chelsea John tells them about the plane problems. They are in a high altitude. So high they will die. John has no emotion for them. Just tells them to find warth some way. Philip holds Chloe. Bo holds Hope. Will they survive? Is this John's plan? Sami and EJ pack. He can't believe how much the babies have! He asks if she is alright. He tells her he is happy she is going home. She tells him he can come visit anytime. Will ne agree? They ask John how far do they have to go down to survive? They worry. Marlena tells then to bundle up and get close to not set up hypothermia. Sami has something to tell EJ. Stephanie and Max are together. He wants to protect her untill her parents come home. John wants Marlena to come up front. The pilots have been drugged! Hmmmm....Who did that? John? Hmmm.....Sami and Ali watch the video of her father. Lucas misses them. Tells Ali he wishes he could watch her grow up. Sami cries. EJ looks on kinda angrily or he really cares for her-one. Marlena asks John how much flying time they have left.

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