
One Life to Live n Days n General Hospital

OLTL-Gigi gets shot at by Ramsey. Rex pushes her down to protect her. John wakes up from being knocked out by Ramsey. He sees Shane hiding. Asks him what's wrong. He tells him about Ramsey. Sam wakes up from a bad dream. Asks his dad,Todd why he did not want him. Why he gave him away. (That is what his dream consisted of.) Allison takes Jess and Nat 4 a aride. Wonder what she is up to. Wonder what her secret is....! Days-EJ wishes Sami well on her way to Lucas. They almost kiss. The Bradys all spread Colleen's ashes. The show plays back her and Santo together. Shawn wants to make amends with Belle. Chloe wants Shawn, I think. Hmmm....Kayla lost another cellphone. Steve isn't happy about that! He teases her. Stephanie gives Max a bday gift. A stuffed horse. She tells him, "Every prince charming needs a horse! AW! Hope and Bo are still sick. John isn't happy being there spreading Colleen's ashes. Although he helps. General Hospital-Are they going to put Johnny and Lulu together as a couple? Scott asks Lucky if they are going to catch this killer? Claudia and Carly meet. They talk about Cotoure and how they wouldn't wear the stuff. Uh-oh. Will they become friends? Sonny walks in. Jax wonders what Connie sees in Sonny. Connie and Carly fight. Sonny knows something is up. Marianna snaps at Rick. He tells her he wouldn't trade any of the time they spent together for anything. Spinnelli tells Jason Carly is getting her bumper fixed! Uh-oh! Sam tells Maxie how her accident happened. How she was chased into the street by the killer. The orderly yells at Spinneli telling him he needs to help Ephany. Not worry about eveyone else. Jason, I mean. Michael's grandfather catches Micheal with them guys and asks waht he got from them. Uh-oh! Rick tells Marianna about how he used to be with Liz. She tells him tha tthe lies have to stop. He is a good person. She really believes that. johnny doesn't want Lulu hurt. Michael gets a atalking to by his grandfather. He tells him to toss the guns! Rick asks Marianna to stay. Rick leaves. She gets a a call-Trevor! No way! Girl! I kew she was bad news! Watch out, Rick! MAYBE THEY WILL CATCH THIS KILLER, SOON! Have a great weekend! Sweetpea

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