
All My Children ABC soap summary

Annie threatens Greenlee to stay away from Ryan! Ryan has dicovered Annie's mees of the chicken all over the house. He asked her why take it out on the chicken!HAHA! Anyways, ZAck almost chokes Ritchie to death! See, he rememebered HIS voice while he and Greenle where in the bomb shelter. He tells Jr about it. Thy vow to get Ritchie. Babe and Jr get Trina to agree to help take Ritchie down! Josh gets Kendall to go see Greenlee. She tells him he is just like their mother(Erica)! Angie des not want Jesse going back to work for the cops! She hooks Ritchie up to a lie detector test! Will they get him for what he really is?..............Soap oper spoiler..............Annie asks Ritchie to kill Greenlee!

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