
The new girls of country music or are they?!

I'm speakin' of Julianne Hough and Taylor Swift. Taylor's already started to dress the way of sensous and all at what age is she?! Julianne is older. Don't know how she dresses for the country music. I know how she dressed for Dancing with the Stars. The are both nice looking girls. I hope they don't fall into the have to dress naked to get anywhere get up. Also could we get over this Billy Ray Cyrus bad dad to -Miley thing. Annie Lebavits(however her name's spelled dressed her for that shoot when Billy Ray left.) Let's leave it alone. Let sleeping dogs lie. Get over this! There much other things much worse to worry about in this world! Like how is everybody going to pay these high gas prices!! We need to make and use our own oil and gas! Leave Saudi. Guess the country and Hollywood stars have nothing to worry about. All the $money$ they make for the entertainment they do or don't do! Seen JC Chavez this morning on Live! With Regis and Kelly-Mark Consquelos took Regis' place today. He was talking about his new show with Randy Jackson on MTV. They showed an old N'SYNC clip of back in the dayi n the 90's. Can't believe it's almost been 10 years. Boy, times flies! Well, yall I got the ABC/NBC soap summaries later! Hot potaters! sweetpea

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