
Yey! Rachael Ray!

She beat out Ellen and The View! Come on! Ellen has plenty of awards! Matter of fact didn't she win last night too! The View' Whoopi and Sheri should've gotten something, but that's all for The View. Their next move is to get rid of that know-it-all Hasselback! Whoopi is what makes that show sane! Sheri gives it comedy! Barbara Walters did right there! What Regis and Kelly won! She needs to stop tanning that old looking body of hers! She looks awful! Truthfully! And she needs to be geniune instead of all the fake laughter at her guests when they appear on their show Regis and Kelly. Anywas, like I said didn't see all the show, but OLTL won for direction. Anthony Geary won for GH. Sheri and Cameron didn't their silly skit of kissing and dancing. Well that was the show for me. Did yall enjoy it?! Sweetpea

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