

We've taken some heat here at the Pea because we've dared to say that Rascal Flatts is boring, and not even really a country group, Kenny Chesney is an overrated and nasal singer who gets way too much air time in proportion to his talent, people like Kelly Clarkson have no business in country music, and so forth. Well, we can stand the ferocity of our critics, but not their stupidity and the most stupid thing anyone has said is that if someone is selling a lot of records they must be a good singer! You can say the same thing about Marilyn Manson. In fact, I would be much more interested in Marilyn Manson going country than someone like Kelly Clarkson --at least I wouldn't be so bored. I DO NOT CARE IF YOU GO DOUBLE UPSIDE DOWN PLATINUM WITH YOUR RECORDS, YOU STILL MAY BE A BORING PRODUCT OF CORPORATE COUNTRY WHICH SUFFERS AS MUCH FROM LAZINESS AS FROM GREED. You see, when CORPORATE COUNTRY finds someone like Kenny Chesney who can't sing very well but they sell a lot of records, they figure they can just continue promoting him and go play a little extra golf instead listening to some more audition tapes of good singers who will never be heard. They are even cynical enough to promote Kelly Clarkson as a country singer. WELL, BOYS AND GIRLS I LIVE IN THE COUNTRY, AND KELLY CLARKSON IS NOT A COUNTRY GIRL. But I am excited about Marilyn Manson singing with Reba McEntire. I hope Mr Manson reads this and gets inspired. I'm inspired. I'm a genius. Later, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! BEATIFUL PEOPLE! RASCAL FLATTS DOESN'T RHYME WITH STEEPLE! H. Bun

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